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We are open to in-person treatments! 

What to expect from our COV-19 Clinic Protocol:

  • Alex is the only practitioner in the clinic.
  • Alex completed full Vaccination status 04/02/2021. Alex received a booster 12/29/2021.
  • We wash our hands often and use a new pair of gloves with each client.
  • Alex will wear a face-mask as required by clients – please ask. 
  • We are staggering appointments to minimize client cross-over.
  • We are disinfecting/cleaning all the common surfaces repeatedly & Treatment Chairs will be cleaned with disinfectant after every treatment.
  • We will have only one client in the treatment room at any one time. 
  • We will maintain social-distancing requirements within the clinic waiting area.

We are continually looking for the most effective and practical steps we can take to best serve our clients in feeling safe & secure in our clinic! – Alex Tan L.AC. 

What we expect from our clients:

  • This is a time of uncertainty and communication is key, so please let us know of any concerns you have and we will do our best to accommodate. 
  • By Appointment Only and no walk-ins. 
  • If you see someone in the waiting room when you arrive, wait outside until notified to come in. Or wait outside or in your car and we can call you when your treatment room is available. 
  • If anyone has signs of an cold-flu, feeling ill, and/or travel or exposure risks as outlined by public health authorities, (including close family and friends with acute signs), we urge you to cancel your appointment. Please stay at home and seek medical treatment and testing from your Primary-Care-Physician (PCP).
  • If at any time after your appointment you are tested positive for COVID-19 please inform us immediately. 

For seniors or anyone considered high-risk, please contact us and we will endeavor to find you a treatment time that does not overlap with any other clients and ensure all surfaces are extra-diligently prepared.

If anyone would like to cancel appointments as a precautionary measure, or they live with people at high-risk, feel free to contact us. We are happy to cancel or reschedule with no penalties!

Alex is using the same protocols on himself, and if feeling any signs of an cold-flu or feeling ill (including family members), he will notify clients with appointments to reschedule.

We are happy to tele-consult for herbal formulas and can arrange a pick up within social distancing requirements.

COVID-19 clearly presents challenges to our entire medical, business, and personal ecosystems in ways that we have never before seen. Information and recommendations are changing regularly, and vary from state to state and city to city.

In light of all this, we are continually looking for the most effective and practical steps we can take to best serve our clients in feeling safe & secure in our clinic.

Note: Straight Bamboo Acupuncture Clinic was closed  March 30-May 15, 2020. During Governor Ducey’s stay-at-home order, all non-critical care health practitioners were recommended to close as a precautionary measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This was in effort to reduce the pressure on the emergency healthcare system.


Alex Tan L.AC. is a licensed Acupuncturist.  After completing his degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Alex lived and practiced Chinese Medicine for 10-years in Beijing, China.  A native-born Australian, the son of his Australian mother and Chinese father, Alex’s bi-cultural heritage helps him skillfully bridge Eastern and Western health perspectives.  He believes the true power of Chinese medicine lies in a balanced approach towards prevention and treatment. Rooted in Chinese Medicine observation based theory & methodology over millenniums, Alex’s talent lies in delivering these Eastern healing modalities to his modern Western clients. For more about Alex click here

Alex runs a clinic in Flagstaff, Northern Arizona. Alex welcomes comments and questions to his articles. To schedule an appointment in person or telco-appointment click here

Alex Tan

Alex Tan L.Ac is a licensed Acupuncturist. After completing his degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Alex lived and practiced Chinese Medicine for 10-years in Beijing, China. A native-born Australian, the son of his Australian mother and Chinese father, Alex's bi-cultural heritage helps him skillfully bridge Eastern and Western health perspectives. He believes the true power of Chinese medicine lies in a balanced approach towards prevention and treatment. Rooted in Chinese Medicine observation based theory & methodology over millenniums, Alex’s talent lies in delivering these Eastern healing modalities to his modern Western clients. Click here for more about Alex.