Do you like the idea of staying healthy naturally through stimulating the body’s self-restorative abilities and preventive healthy living? Are you looking for something beyond a Western medicine diagnosis and pharmaceutical drugs? Have you considered Chinese medicine?

Straight Bamboo Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic
We offer services related to the clinical branch of Chinese Medicine.
Alex was traditionally trained in TCM and spent 10-years in China and now uses a combination of traditional training, Dr Tan’s Balance Method along with Master Tung points.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alex uses Classical Pearls from Heiner Fruehauf as well as the highest quality Taiwanese SUNTEN Chinese Herbal Granules. Other Pills and Capsules also available.
Asian Bodywork
Includes Medical Massage, Cupping & Guasha. Currently, Alex only provides Guasha (often referred to as spooning or myofascial scraping).
Monthly Special
60-min Acupuncture Treatment
Start The Spring With A Fresh Approach To Your Health!